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The Who’s Who publications are an opportunity for us to afford a measure of recognition to the African-American men and women who have made their mark in their specific occupations, professions, or in service to others in their community.

A sincere effort is made to include those whose positions or accomplishments in their chosen fields are significant and those whose contributions to community affairs whether city-wide or on the neighborhood level have improved the quality of life for all of us.

IDEAS FOR CREATING A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH LIMIT 150 WORDS OR LESS: Every biographical entry must include name, title, and company or organization. Include work related responsibilities in the first paragraph. List any honors and special achievements. List organization memberships/affiliations (i.e., sororities /fraternities, volunteer endeavors, church, etc.) Include educational background if applicable (i.e., school and degree(s) earned). Include personal data (hobbies, children/ spouse information, favorite quote, etc.)
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All photos must be of high resolution. NO SELFIES PLEASE.